Hospital Incident Command System - MCI Module 1

Emergency Medicine
Launch Date:
September 23, 2019
Expiration Date:
The accreditation for this activity has expired.

Primary Audience:

Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Surgery

Relevant Terms:

Mass Casualty, Disaster Preparedness, Triage

Farrukh Jafri MD MS-HEd.

Farrukh N Jafri MD MS-HEd

Nicholas Dadario

Nicholas B. Dadario
White Plains Hospital Simulation Laboratory
Binghamton University Class of 2020
B.S. Integrative Neuroscience
Binghamton University Scholars
Volunteer Coordinator for American Red Cross

Erik Larsen MD

Erik A. Larsen, MD, FACEP
Assistant Director of EMS & Emergency Preparedness
White Plains Hospital

1. Recognize a potential critical event and implement initial actions through the HICS
2. Assess incident scenes for safety threats and initiate appropriate mitigation efforts

I do not benefit financially from royalty payments from the program or any of the airway equipment that will be used to teach in this program. I have no conflicts of interest to disclose. 



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Internet Explorer 8.0+ for Windows 2000, 2003, Vista, XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and above
Google Chrome 28.0+ for Windows, Mac OS, or Linux
Mozilla Firefox 23.0+ for Windows, Mac OS, or Linux
Safari 6+ for Mac OSX 10.7 and above

For video playback, install the latest version of Flash or Quicktime.
Supported Phones & Tablets:
Android 4.0.3 and above
iPhone/iPad with iOS 6.1 or above