Start and JumpSTART - MCI Module 2

Emergency Medicine
Launch Date:
September 23, 2019
Expiration Date:
The accreditation for this activity has expired.

Primary Audience:

Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Surgery

Relevant Terms:

Mass Casualty, Disaster Preparedness, Triage

Nicholas Dadario

Nicholas Dadario

Erik Larsen MD

Erik A. Larsen, MD, FACEP

Assistant Director of EMS & Emergency Preparedness

White Plains Hospital

Farrukh Jafri MD MS-HEd.

Farrukh N Jafri MD MS-HEd

1. Manage initial critical event action using the Disaster Triage System

I do not benefit financially from royalty payments from the program or any of the airway equipment that will be used to teach in this program. I have no conflicts of interest to disclose. 



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Android 4.0.3 and above
iPhone/iPad with iOS 6.1 or above